Monday, September 19, 2011

David and Goliath

Michael and Jono enjoyed spending some father-son time showing off their strength... Kind of reminded me of David and Goliath...This is Michael conquering Jono...

 Jono's reaction...
 And Jono conquering his daddy...

Hide and seek

These are some photos of one of Jono's hiding places... Yip, Jono loves to play hide and seek with mommy, of course he needs his daddy's help to hide though. I have often come home or gone to fetch something one a different side of the house and come back to find Jono hiding... I can call him and try to get him to make noises but most of the time he just sits there quiet and still and then has a huge smile when I find him...

Monday, September 12, 2011

Granny and grandpa's birthdays

It was Michael's mom's birthday recently and we decided to buy her some slippers, but not just the regular kind, the cute puffy character kind... This was to remind her of Jono and so that Jono could play with them whenever he visits...

For Grandpa's birthday which is tommorrow we bought him a dvd and wrapped it in one of Jono's nappies and put it in a nappy bag and gave it to him yesterday... We also gave him some mountain dew and a lunch bar in a potty that is shapped like a mini toilet from all his grandkids... Unfortunately I forgot to take my camera so I don't have any pics...

Baby photo competition

We recently entered Jono into a baby photo competition, and this is the photo that we entered... The photos were taken in a shopping center, so we struggled to get him to smile because he was just looking around at everything... But we got some very cute photos anyway... The judging is this Saturday so and I'm sure Jono is the cutest baby by far so he should do well...

Friday, September 9, 2011


Jonathan has to be the youngest child I know that can operate a computer...

Actually Jonathan often likes to just sit on Michael's lap while he is on the computer... I don't really know of it's the lights, sounds or what that he finds so fascinating, but I think he just enjoys spending time with his daddy most of all...

 This is just a cute pic of some father and son bonding time... Very cute...
 Jono has started to eat some solid food... I can't believe how quickly time flies...

He is also rolling over all on his own now and sits unsupported for short periods of time... His all time favourite activity continues to be bath time though and his favourite toys (although its not really a toy) are books...